Admissions are offered from class I to VI th, however if any vacancy is available according to class allocated seats, admission can be offered to those particular students after getting test. The Admission process starts in the month of March every year. Admissions are based purely on merit basis. The following documents are required at the time of registration:
- A photocopy of “B” form.
- Three 1 X 1 inches photographs.
- A nominal registration fee is paid at the time of registration.
- CNIC copy of parent.
Note :Admission is on merit basis, subject to the availability of seats and fulfilling the required qualifications and criteria.
Schedule & Procedure of Admission
All the students who desire to get admission in the SMIU Model School have to submit duly filled ‘Registration Form’ along with required documents.
After initial scrutiny, if the applicant is found eligible then he/she is allowed to appear in the placement test on the prescribed date. The test is conducted from the subjects of English, General Science, Mathematics and Mother Tongue at intended class of admission. Within one week time of the conducted of the test, the list of successful candidates is displayed on the institution’s notice board. The successful candidates are then required to go through an interview, on culmination of which, the final admission list is announced.
Within one week time of the conduct of the test, the list of successful candidates is displayed on the institution’s notice board. The successful candidates are then required to go through an interview, on culmination of which, the final admission list is announced. After the final list of successful candidates is announced, students’ parents are required to deposit admission fees with the SMIU Model School’s Bank Account no: 0044002200019476 at the National Bank of Pakistan, Nicol Road, Karachi. Copy of fees deposit slip can be received from the Admission Section.
Following is the fee structure for Cambridge stream, which can be changed or altered at any time without prior notice at the discretion of the administration of the institution. Fee structure is the follows:
Classes | Tuition Fees | Security Deposit | Total for the Academic Year |
Grade I & V | Rs.250/- per month | 1000 /- (Payable Once) | Rs: 4000/- |
Note:Fee is charged on Annual basis. In case of re-admission, fee of Rs: 500/ is charged.
Admissions for Matric System Admission policy and procedure are the same as ‘O’ Level Cambridge system but fee structure is different. There are three entry points, i.e. Class I, Class VI and Class IX.
Classes | Tuition Fees | Security Deposit | Total for the Academic Year |
Grade I & V | Rs.250/- per month | 1000 /- (Payable Once) | Rs: 4000/- |
Note:Above is the fee structure, which can be changed or altered at any time without prior notice at the discretion of the administration of the institution. Fee is charged on annual basis for the Matric System.
Admission Is On Merit Basis, Subject To The Availability Of Seats And Fulfilling The Required Qualifications And Criteria.
Description of Uniform
The students are required to be in uniform which is as under:
For Boys:Gray trousers, white shirt with school monogram, black shoes, neck-tie with white and gray stripes, gray socks and dark gray sweater (for winter).
For Girls of Primary and Secondary classes from 1 to V :Gray and white frock with school monogram, white shalwar, white dupattaa, black shoes and black socks. Gray sweater (in winter) Class VI to X. White shirt with gray collar, white shalwar, white dupatta, black shoes, white socks and gray sweater (in winter).
Code of Conduct
All students are advised to follow the under-given rules and regulations which have been drawn up keeping in view the interest of students and are aimed at providing a good learning environment.
1. Students must behave well with their fellow students as well as with the management, staff and teachers, failure to do so will lead to immediate rustication from the institution.
2. Students must keep themselves away from immoral acts and nobody is allowed to participate in any activity, which is against the moral and social standards. If they do involve themselves in any such kind of activities they will jeopardize their academic career.
3. Any harm to the property, furniture or any act of vandalism will cause initiation of disciplinary action against the students who are responsible. Administration has the right to charge repair expenses from the guilty students.
4. No student is supposed to be sitting and spending time with any staff member or teacher unless there is a genuine reason to be there or be with him or her.
5. Administration will appreciate and encourage healthy and productive relations between all students, whether boys and girls, but unnecessary mixing up of boys or girls will be discouraged.
6. Any sort of misbehavior with any teacher, staff member and management will not be tolerated at any cost and disciplinary action will be taken against the person responsible.
7. Students should pay up dues regularly, otherwise a fine will be charged. The fee has to be deposited in SMI Model School’s bank account only, and not anywhere else.
8. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
9. Fee slip can be received from Exam Section of the School.
It is mandatory for all students to attend at least 80 percent of lectures in each subject, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in any annual examination of the school. Students are responsible for completion of their class work, projects and practical journals on time.
Age Categorization
Classes for the New Academic Year 2015-16
1 | I | 01-04-2009 TO 31-03-2011 | 5 TO 6 YEARS |
2 | II | 01-04-2008 TO 31-03-2009 | 6 TO 7 YEARS |
3 | III | 01-04-2007 TO 31-03-2008 | 7 TO 8 YEARS |
4 | IV | 01-04-2006 TO 31-03-2007 | 8 TO 9 YEARS |
5 | V | 01-04-2005 TO 31-03-2006 | 9 TO 10 YEARS |
6 | VI | 01-04-2004 TO 31-03-2005 | 10 TO 11 YEARS |
7 | VII | 01-04-2003 TO 31-03-2004 | 11 TO 12 YEARS |
8 | VIII | 01-04-2002 TO 31-03-2003 | 12 TO 13 YEARS |
9 | IX | 01-04-2001 TO 31-03-2002 | 13 TO 14 YEARS |