The Senate is the top most statutory body of the University. Its meetings are chaired by the Chancellor (Governor of Sindh) or in his absence, the Pro-Chancellor (Minister for Education, Sindh) or in absence of both, the Vice-Chancellor of the University. The Senate has the power to consider the drafts of statutes proposed by the Syndicate and deal with them in the prescribed manner; to consider and pass resolution on the annual report, the annual statement of accounts, and the annual and revised budget estimates; to appoint members to the Syndicate and other Authorities in accordance with the provision of the Act; to delegate any of its powers to an Authority or Officer or a committee of sub-Committee; and other functions as prescribed in the Sindh Madressatul Islam University Act 2011.
The Syndicate is the executive body of the University and exercise general supervision over the affairs and management of the property of the University. It has powers to held, control and administer the property and funds of the University; to govern and regulate, with due regard to the advice of the Finance and Planning Committee in this behalf, the finances, accounts and investments of the University; to affiliate and disaffiliate colleges; to institute Professorships, Associate Professorships, Assistant Professorships, Lectureships, and other teaching posts or suspend or to abolish such posts; to make appointment on the recommendations of the Selection Board to the posts in Grade-17 and above of the National Scales of Pay; to appoint Emeritus Professors on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; to confer Honorary Degrees in accordance with the conditions prescribed; to delegate any of its powers to an Authority or Officer or a committee or Sub-Committee; and other functions as prescribed in the Sindh Madressatul Islam University Act 2011.
Academic Council:
The Academic Council is the academic body of the University and have the powers to lay down proper standards of institution, research and examinations and to regulate and promote the academic life of the University and the colleges. Its functions include: to advise the Syndicate on academic matters; to regulate the conduct of teaching, research and examinations; to regulate the admission of students to the courses of studies and examinations in the University; to regulate the conduct and discipline of the students of the University; to recognize the examinations of other Universities or examining bodies as equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the University; and other functions as prescribed in the Sindh Madressatul Islam University Act 2011.
Selection Board:
The selection Board is the body entrusted the task of selecting candidates for appointment in various posts of the University. It consider the applications for teaching and other posts received in response to an advertisement and recommends to the Syndicate the names of suitable candidates for appointment to such posts. The Selection Board may recommend the grant of a higher initial pay in a suitable case for reasons to be recorded. It may also recommend to the Syndicate the appointment of an eminently qualified person to a Professorship in the University on the terms and conditions other than those prescribed. In the event of an unresolved difference of opinion between the Selection Board and the Syndicate, the matter stands referred to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final.
Finance and Planning Committee:
The functions of the Finance and Planning Committee include: to consider the annual and revised budget estimates and advise the Syndicate thereon: to review periodically the financial position of the University; to advise the Syndicate on all matters relating to Planning, development, finances, investment and accounts of the University; and to perform such other functions as may be prescribed by statutes.