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4 Years Program

The department of Business Administration at SMI University is also offering BS Accounting and Finance. This program is designed to build sound financial foundation as well as to develop analytical skills amongst the students so that they may cope up with rapidly changing global financial environment. After completion of the degree the students would have adequate financial knowledge enabling them to pursue their career in the public and private financial institutions.
It is also compulsory for the students of BS Accounting and Finance to complete two internships - one in accounting and one in finance - of minimum six weeks each at any business organization after fifth semester of the program and two Independent Studies; one in accounting and one in finance.

BS Accounting & Finance
Duration 4-Years
Semesters 8
Courses (including internships) 45+1 46
Total Credit Hours 134
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ENG-511 English 1 / English Grammar - General 3
1 HMT-512 Pakistan Studies - General 2
3 ECO-513 Microeconomics - Core 3
4 QTM-514 Business Mathematics - General 3
5 SOC-515 Introduction to Psychology - Allied 3
6 ACC-516 Principles of Accounting - Core 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ENG-521 English II / English Composition ENG-511 General 3
2 QTM-522 Descriptive Statistics QTM-514 General 3
3 HMT-523 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan HMT-512 General 2
4 ECO-525 Macroeconomics ECO-513 Core 3
5 MKT-526 Principles of Marketing - Core 3
6 ACC-527 Financial Accounting ACC-516 Core 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ENG-531 English III / Oral Communication & Presentation Skills ENG 521 General 3
2 MGT-532 Principles of Management - Core 3
3 FIN-533 Introduction to Business Finance - Core 3
4 ACC-534 Cost Accounting ACC-527 Core 3
3 HMT-535/6 Islamic Studies/Ethics - General 2
6 MIS-537 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 2+1 - General 2
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ENG-541 English IV/Business & Electronic Communication ENG-531 General 3
2 ENS-542 Environmental Science 2+1 General 3
3 MGT-543 Human Resource Management MGT-532 Core 3
4 CCE-544 Civics & Community Engagement - General 3
5 FIN-545 Financial Management FIN-533 Core 3
6 ACC-546 Managerial Accounting ACC-534 Core 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
5 QTM-611 Calculus QTM-514 Allied 3
2 FIN-612 Analysis of Financial Statements FIN-545 Core 3
3 MGT-613 Management of Cooperative Enterprises MGT-532 Allied 3
4 QTM-614 Statistical Inference QTM-514 Allied 3
5 MIS-615 Accounting Software MIS-536 Core 3
6 INT-616 Internship (Finance) - Field 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ACC-621 Financial Reporting FIN-545 Core 3
2 ACC-622 Business Taxation - Core 3
3 RMT-623 Business Research Methods QTM-614 Core 3
4 FIN-624 Corporate Finance FIN-545 Core 3
5 LAW-625 Business Law - Core 3
6 FIN-626 Financial Markets and Institutions FIN-545 Core 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 ACC-631 Auditing ACC-546 Core 3
2 FIN-632 Investment and Fund Management FIN-545 Core 3
3 ACC-633 Financial Risk Management FIN-545 Core 3
4 QTM-634 Business Analysis and Decision Making QTM-614 Core 3
5 FIN-635 Islamic Banking & Finance FIN-545 Core 3
6 MGT-636 Entreprenuership MGT-532 Core 3
S. NO. Course Code COURSE TITLE Pre-Req Type Cr Hours
1 FIN-641 International Finance FIN-545 Core 3
2 ACC-642 Financial Derivatives FIN-545 Core 3
3 FIN-643 Behavioral Finance FIN-545 Core 3
4 PRJ-644 Capstone Project RMT-623 /MGT-636 Project 3