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BS Commerce
Duration 4 years
Semesters 8
Courses 45
Total Credit Hours 135
Sr.No. COURS CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 ENG-511 English I / English Grammar General None 3
2 HMT-512 Pakistan Studies General HRM-546 2
3 BMT-513 Introduction to Business Core None 3
4 ACT-514 Principles of Accounting Core None 3
5 ECO-515 Microeconomics Core None 3
6 QTM-516 Business Mathematics General None 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 ENG-521 English II / English Composition General ENG-511 3
2 HMT-522 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan General HMT-512 2
3 HMT-523/4 Islamic Studies/Ethics General None 2
4 ECO-525 Macroeconomics Core ECO-515 3
5 QTM-526 Descriptive Statistics Allied QTM-516 3
6 ACT-527 Financial Accounting Core ACT-514 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 SOS-531 Principles of Psychology Allied None 3
2 ENG-532 English III / Oral Communication & Presentation Skills General ENG-521 3
3 FIN-533 Introduction to Business Finance Core None 3
4 MKT-534 Principles of Marketing Core None 3
5 QTM-535 Statistical Inference Allied QTM-526 3
6 MGT-536 Principles of Management Core None 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 CSC-541 Applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) 2+1 General None 3
2 ENG-542 Business & Electronic Communication General ENG-532 3
3 CCE-543 Civics and Community Engagement General None 3
4 QTM-544 Business Analytical Tools General QTM-535 3
5 ENS-545 Environmental Science General None 3
6 HRM-546 Human Resource Management Core MGT-536 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 RMT-611 Business Research Methods Core QTM-535 3
2 ACC-612 Cost Accounting Core ACT-527 3
3 FIN-613 Financial Management Core FIN-533 3
4 BUS-614 Business Law Core None 3
5 BUS-615 Corporate Social Responsibility Core MGT-536 3
6 MGT-616 Organizational Behavior Core MGT-536 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 ECO-621 Development Economics Core ECO-525 3
2 BUS-622 Business Taxation Core None 3
3 ACC-623 Managerial Accounting Core ACC-612 3
4 SOS-624 International Relations Allied None 3
5 ACC-625 Auditing Core ACT-527 3
6 INT-626 Internship Field None 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 SOS-631 Management of Cooperative Societies Allied None 3
2 MGT-632 E-Commerce Core BMT-513 3
3 MGT-633 Corporate Governance Core None 3
4 MGT-634 Entrepreneurship Core MGT-536 3
5 Elective-I Core 3
6 Elective-II Core 3
Sr.No. COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE Type Pre-Req Credit Hours
1 PRJ-641 Capstone Project Project RMT-611 / MGT-634 6
2 Elective-III Core 3
3 Elective-IV Core 3
Sr # COURS CODE Course Name Type Pre-Req
1 ACC-651 Corporate Reporting Elective ACC-623 3
2 ACC-652 Public Sector Accounting Elective ACC-623 3
3 ACC-653 Accounting for Associations Not-for-profit Elective ACC-623 3
4 ACC-654 Strategic Management Accounting / Performance Management Elective ACC-623 3
5 ACC-655 Accounting Information Systems Elective ACC-623 3
6 ACC-656 Cost Accounting for Selected Sectors Elective ACC-623 3
7 ACC-657 Analysis of Financial Statements Elective ACC-623 3
Sr # COURS CODE Course Name Type Pre-Req
1 FIN-651 Corporate Finance Elective FIN-613 3
2 FIN-652 Investment and Portfolio Management Elective FIN-613 3
3 FIN-653 Islamic Modes of Financing Elective FIN-613 3
4 FIN-654 Financial Derivatives – Theory and Practice Elective FIN-613 3
5 FIN-655 International Trade Finance and Foreign Exchange Operations Elective FIN-613 3
6 FIN-656 International Financial Management Elective FIN-613 3
7 FIN-657 Financial Appraisal Elective FIN-613 3
Sr # COURS CODE Course Name Type Pre-Req
1 BNK-651 NBFCs and Micro-financing Elective FIN-613 3
2 BNK-652 Banking Laws and Practices Elective FIN-613 3
3 BNK-653 Dynamics of Consumer Banking Elective FIN-613 3
4 BNK-654 Islamic Banking and Finance Elective FIN-613 3
5 BNK-655 Marketing for Financial Services Elective FIN-613 3
6 BNK-656 Credit and Risk Management in Banking Sector Elective FIN-613 3
7 BNK-657 E-banking Elective FIN-613 3
8 BNK-658 Anti-money Laundering – Measures and Control Elective FIN-613 3
9 BNK-659 Financing for SMEs’ Elective FIN-613 3
Sr # COURS CODE Course Name Type Pre-Req
1 ADT-651 Auditing and Assurance Elective ACC-632 3
2 ADT-652 Forensic and Investigation Auditing Elective ACC-632 3
3 ADT-653 Internal Control System, Information Systems and Compliance Elective ACC-632 3
4 ADT-654 Performance Audit and Evaluation Elective ACC-632 3
5 ADT-655 Corporate Taxation Elective ACC-632 3
6 ADT-656 Sales Tax, Excise Duty and Customs Elective ACC-632 3