Jamshed Adil, PhD

Dr Jamshed Adil obtained his PhD in Human Resource Management from London England in 2012. He has working experience to teach at graduate and postgraduate level for 20 years at national level as well as he taught in England too. He has authored 20 research publications in national and international research journals of repute. He has supervised more than 100 students at BS/BBA students for research work. Likewise supervises 5 MS/M.Phil. research students who successfully completed their degrees and 2 PhD scholars have also successfully earned degrees under his supervision. Before taking Charge of Dean Faculty of Management, Business Administration, & Commerce at SMIU he has also served as Head of Department, University Hostels Warden and Additional Registrar at different stages of his career.
Quratulain Nazeer Ahmed, M.Com
Assistant Professor

She holds Masters in Commerce (M.Com) degree and currently enrolled in MS. Leading to PhD program with University Of Karachi. Throughout her educational career, she has always been among the top achievers. Her areas of specialization are Accounting and Finance. She has experience of over 4 years of teaching at graduate and post graduate level.
Poorab Sarhan, MBA

Mr. Poorab Sarhan has done MBA (Finance) from SZABIST Karachi. He has taught the courses of Finance and Accountancy at both graduate and post graduate levels at Institute of Business and Technology(IBT). He has also served as Research Associate in ORIC Department at IBT, Karachi. Besides that, he also completed a one and half year project as Assistant Manager Accounts and Budgeting with an NGO, Basic Needs. His areas of interest are Finance and Research.
Shafique Ahmed, MBA

Mr. Shafique Ahmed earned his MBA from Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi and is currently pursuing Ph.D. from SZABIST Karachi. His area of specialization is Finance. He has six years of experience in corporate sector with his association not limited to Pizza Hut Pakistan, Bank Al Habib Limited and Talha & Co (Chartered Accountants). His research interests include corporate finance, investment, valuation and real estate.