Syed Asif Ali, PhD

Dr. Ali obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Karachi in 2011. He has been involved in teaching and research for more than a decade. He is an approved Ph.D. supervisor of Computer Science and member of National Curriculum Revision Committee (NCRC) of Computer Science Subject by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Govt. of Pakistan.He is a senior member of IACSIT, CSTA , ISTE and University Syndicate. He is an author of two books published by international Publisher LAMBERT, Germany.
Naila Rozi, PhD
Associate Professor

Dr. Naila Rozi obtained her Ph.D in Mathematics from University of Karachi in 2012. She has fifteen years of teaching and research experience. She has over 12 research papers to her credit in research journals and conferences. She is a member of ISOSS and IACSIT. She is a trainer of SPSS ( software ).She is also HEC registered supervisor and author of one international book.
Mansoor Ahmed Khuhro, PhD
Associate Professor / Incharge Chairperson

Dr. Mansoor has obtained PhD in Computer Application Technology from Central South University, China in 2017. He has more than 8 years of professional experience in research. His areas of research include multimedia technology, computer network technology, video conferencing systems, image and video processing and multimedia information retrieval.
Muhammad Ali, PhD
Assistant Professor

Dr. Muhammad Ali earned his Ph.D. degree from Mathematical Sciences Research Center, Federal Urdu University of Arts Science and Technology Karachi in February, 2016. He has keen interest in Mathematical Modelling and his field of specialization is Atmospheric Modeling. He worked as a chairperson of department of computer science from 2016 to 2018. He has honored to be the member of Advanced Study of Research Board of Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU) from October, 2017 to 2019. He has also completed HEC funded research project through National Research Program for Universities (NRPU). He has a number of research publications to his credit, published in well reputed HEC approved National and International journals. He is currently working as coordinator department of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences (AIMS).
Imtiaz Husain, PhD
Assistant Professor

Dr. Imtiaz has earned his Ph.D. from the University of Karachi in 2015 and M.Phil., Mathematical Sciences in 2008. He has more than fifteen years of teaching experience and has worked on HEC funded SRGP and NRPU research projects. He has authored one book and twelve research publications in the national and international conferences and HEC recognized impact factor Journals. His research interest comprises Operation Research, Mathematical and Statistical Modeling and Numerical Computing.
Syed Azeem Inam, MS
Assistant Professor

S.A. Inam earned his MS (Applied Mathematics) from NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi in 2017. He obtained his MSc (Pure Mathematics) in 2013 and BSc (Hons.) in 2012 from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Karachi. He holds the honor of receiving Gold Medals for securing first position in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and obtaining the highest percentage in the Faculty of Science, University of Karachi in 2013.
He is the founder and Faculty Advisor/Patron of the Google Developer Students’ Club, Microsoft Learn Student Community and Artificial Intelligence Student Club. He is an elected member of the SMIU Senate; a member of the Board of Studies, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences; an expert member of the Board of the Faculty of Information Technology, an expert member of the Board of Faculty of Language, Culture and Allied Subjects, and Associate Editor of International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences. He has completed over 100+ online certifications in Data Science and Machine Learning. He has seven (07) research publications in International/National journals in the domains of computational fluid dynamics and machine learning. His areas of research include Computational Fluid Dynamics, Data Analytics and Machine Learning.
Hassan Hashim, MSC
Assistant Professor

Mr. Hassan Hashim obtained his Master’s Degree in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics, the University of Karachi in 2012. He has also obtained his MS in Applied Mathematics program of NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. He has more than 7 years’ experience of teaching in Sindh Madressatul Islam University. His area of interest is Computational Fluid Dynamics. He is also working in the area of Data Analysis. Currently, he is serving as a member of Board of Studies of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Sciences and member of Board of Faculty of Information Technology and Faculty of Sciences.
Vijay Kumar, MS

Mr. Vijay has done MS in Applied Mathematics from NED University of Engineering and Technology in 2015 and BS in Mathematics from University of Sindh in 2012. He has attended different National and International conferences to present his research papers. He has also attended workshops on scientific writings. He has more than 4 years experience of teaching. He has taught at undergraduate level in NED University of Engineering and Technology for 2.5 years. His field of research is Applied Mathematics & Fluid Mechanics.
Asif Mehmood Awan, MS
Lecturer- Mathematics

Mr. Awan has done MS in Applied Mathematics from NED-UET in 2014 and B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc in Applied Mathematics from KU in 2009.He has attended many workshops and conferences. He has more than 10 years teaching experience. He has taught 4 years in main campus PAF-KIET University. His field of interest is General Linear Inequalities. He has one Research paper in ISI Indexed Journal. He is enrolled in Ph.D program.
Syed Muhammad Hassan, MS

Mr. Syed Muhammad Hassan is doing PHD in Artificial Intelligence field. He has around 12 years of experience in Teaching and IT Industry. He has several Research Publications to his credit, published in well reputed HEC approved National and International journals in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Linguistics Language, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, and Information Extraction.
Engr. Asif Khan, ME
Computer Lab Instructor

Mr. Asif is currently enrolled in PhD (Artificial Intelligence). He has obtained his Master’s degree from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro. He has vast industrial and teaching experience. His interests are in Control System Design, Digital Logic Design, Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic
Engr. Imtiaz Hussain Mahesar, BE
Computer Lab Instructor

Mr. Mahesar is currently enrolled in Master in Computer Science. He has obtained B.E in Computer Systems Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro. He has been in the teaching profession since 2014. His fields of interest are Databases Designing, Human-Computer Interaction, and Computer Hardware related courses