The university’s mission statement “Enter to learn, go forth to serve,” revolves around the philosophy of nurturing the leaders for society. One of the oldest institutes in South Asia, Sindh Madressatul Islam is now a chartered university recognized by HEC. For over a century, it has continued the legacy of being pioneer in the field of education, social and human resource development. The university currently offers undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. programs in Department of Business Administration, Computer Science, Media and Communication Studies, Education, English Language and Literature and Environmental Sciences. The culture of the university prepares and transforms the students into best human resource for the country.
Human capital in recent years is becoming more flexible and self-managed; it demands various professional competencies in a contextual way. After getting academic degrees, the managers need more concentrated training to augment their skills for attaining better outcomes in their field of operation. Based on rich experience of excellence, Department of Business Administration offers certificate courses for professionals in select areas, which aim to equip the participants with value-added corporate understanding of finance, human resource management, marketing, supply chain management, leadership, and entrepreneurship. These courses are designed in consideration of research-oriented executive development practices. After extensive participatory and case-based learning, the participants get the certificates from this prestigious institution, creating a class in their career.
The objective of all the courses remains to provide our managers best possible environment to enhance their skills and competencies so that they can play their role in advancement of the country in their respective fields and transform Pakistan in such a way as its founder, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah who was the most illustrious alumnus of Sindh Madressatul Islam, envisioned.