Department of English
Department of English has been established to provide a comprehensive blend of linguistic-cum-literary education system to BS English undergraduates. The department has been initiated in order to equip our students with the knowledge of English linguistic and literary trends to make them communicatively competent in diversified academic and professional fields. The purpose of establishing Sindh Madressatul Islam School was to provide modern education to the Muslims of Sindh (sub-continent) in 1885. Subsequently, SMI College was upgraded to the status of University in 2012; where five departments were initially established and presently five more departments have been inducted. Department of English is one of them offering BS English (Four year) degree program. Currently, English teaching faculty consists of seven members headed by PhD faculty member. The department offers English courses across linguistics and literature. The program strictly follows Higher Education Commission (HEC) policy referencing to the updated curriculum. Furthermore, the program offers elective courses for specialization in either linguistics or literature in the final year. However, the nomenclature of degree is BS-English (Linguistics & Literature), and the specialized subjects will be illustrated on the Final Transcripts to assist students making specific decisions at advanced level of academics e.g., MS/MPhil. Additionally, the department offers generic academic courses i.e., Study Skills, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Human Rights & Citizenship, Introduction to Computer Applications, Environmental Studies, International Relations and Gender Studies. The program meets national & international standards for the employability of outgoing graduates and to help them achieve success in every walk of life.
Program Offered
BS English
MS (Linguistics)
Scope of Program
BS English degree program strictly follows Higher Education Commission’s proposed policies in order to meet the international academic standards. English is a global language and it is also an official language of Pakistan, where almost every official letter is documented in English. English language is no longer the language of native speakers, but a global lingua franca for academic and professional fields. Similarly, most of the universities use it as a medium of instruction across the country. Thus, it is greatly required opportunity for students to avail in order to achieve English language proficiency for a successful future ahead.
Description of Program
BS English is four-year degree program. It offers linguistics and literature courses along with specialized streams in final year. The program consists of eight semesters and in each semester six courses are taught except for eighth semester, where students are given choice to study five courses either in Linguistics or Literature for specialization purpose. In addition, students are facilitated with modern state-of-the-art technology where highly qualified teachers teach modern English communication skills, English linguistics & literature i.e., Morphology, Syntax, Phonetics and Phonology, Experimental Phonetics, Discourse Analysis, World Englishes, Language Testing & Assessment, English for Specific Purpose, Literary Forms and Movements, Modern Drama, Novel, Romantic and Classical Poetry.