I.T Services
IT Services supports SMIU’s mission by delivering Information Technology to empower research, learning, and teaching activities. I.T Services Department manages the university’s central Information Technology infrastructure and provides many of services and applications for use in academic, research, and administrative activities.
Services for teaching, learning and research
SMIU Learning Management System: LMS enables teachers to take the best aspects of their classroom practice and transfer that into a home teaching and learning environment. As its web based, staff and students alike have 24 hour access to resources and activities, allowing learning to reach beyond the classroom. LMS user manual to facilitate students and faculty member for Effective use of resources.
TurnitIn Plagiarism checking software access was provided to all faculty and students of Graduates; individual accounts for checking all research assignments, same will propose for Undergraduate students. Turnitin user manual to protect against plagiarism
Microsoft Imagine
Through this service SMIU students are use all Microsoft Softwares (including Windows and Development Tools) free of cost for learning and development purposes. Microsoft Imagine User Manual step to provide licence softwares
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
PeopleSoft’s Campus Solutions is the comprehensive student administration system which covers all the phases of student life cycle at the university, from admission to graduation.
The extensive web-based, self-service functionality for faculty and students by fulfilling core functional needs like course registration, grade reporting, student recordkeeping, application for enrollment processing, financial aid awarding, student billing, and degree auditing.
For further information : pshelpdesk@smiu.edu.pk