With the closure of educational institutions in Pakistan amid of COVID-19 Outbreak, Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) pushes universities to ready to switch to online classes completely until the uncertainty. SMIU has risen to the challenge and starting online learning as a substitute for its conventional modes of teachings in a bid to cover the syllabus and to end the semester timely. SMIU has arranged the Faculty Online Learning Training Program by the well-known invited speakers demonstrating hands-on experience in hosting online video conferencing and classes. SMIU training programs has been playing a leading role in the development of its faculty performance and offer an extensive learning opportunity to the faculty and staff for their professional growth and career. Keeping in view the emerging demand of the domain subject ‘online methods of teaching and as per the HEC guidelines, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi has organized a 4-day extensive online training program for the faculty to meet the criteria of Online Readiness.
In digital age online classes have become a prominent part of the education landscape, and many faculty members who previously believed they would never teach online are being asked to offer Web enhancements to their face-to-face classes or teach a class entirely online. A comprehensive survey has been conducted from students to take their opinion keeping in mind this thinks that they belong to less privilege area and may not be able to participate in online classes surprise a majority of students are interested in online classes. Similarly, faculty meeting is called by all chairpersons of all academic departments to take their input about online classes. Almost all faculty members show their interest to conduct online classes. Faculty who are used to face-to-face or traditional methods feel uncomfortable in online teaching. We hope that this training will help and facilitate faculty members in online teaching.
Therefore, the main objective of the Online Learning Training Program is mainly aimed to provide the platform for the faculty members with the latest online lecture delivery methods and the digital modes of video conferencing that will help sharpen their competencies in accordance with the Higher Education Commission / international standards. This is a supplemental guide to Sindh Madressatul Islam University Faculty designed to provide information about Distance Education introduction policies and procedures.
Faculty members will learn the required skills prevalent in the recent global crisis of Coronavirus. Imparting technology into their lesson plans and curriculum, will significantly boost their self-confidence, interpersonal skills and build goodwill with a professional presence.
- It’s a 04-day comprehensive online faculty training program for SMIU faculty members
- Training sessions are scheduled from 27th April to 30th April 2020.
- 02 sessions per day are scheduled with 90 minutes duration time
- Total 07 sessions are scheduled for the targeted faculty and staff members of 100 to 110
Training Schedule
A Four Day Online Teachers Training Program
From 27th April to 30th April 2020
Day One: Monday 27th April 2020 Sequence of session: |
02: 00pm to 03:30 pm. | Session No. 1: Essential for online education: An Introduction Resource Person: Honorable Vice Chancellor, SMIU Session Slides |
Day Two: Tuesday 28st April 2020 | |
11.00am to 12: 30 pm | Session No. 2: Use of Learning Management System (LMS) |
Resource Person: Mr. Faheem Mustafa Mahar, Computer Program Officer, SMIU Session Slides LMS Session Slides LMS Faculty Guide Session Slides Basic Concept LMS | |
02.00pm to 03:30 pm | Session No3: Searching for Online tutorials and materials like Coursera etc. Resource Person: Mr. Saddam Rhanjhani , Computer Program Officer, SMIU Session Slides Session Slides IT Tools |
Day Three: Wednesday 29st April 2020 | |
11.00am to12: 30 pm | Session No. 4: Video and Audio recording techniques with laptop/smartphone devices Resource Person: Mr. Asif Ghaffar and Mr. Mushtaq Gopang Session Slides Session Slides Session Slides |
02.00pm to 03: 30 pm | Session No. 5: Online Pedagogy using Zoom and MS Teams Software Resource Person: Dr. Imran , IBA, Karachi Session Slides |
Day Four: Thursday 30th April 2020 | |
11.00am to12: 30 pm | Session No.6: Best practices in online Testing and Evaluation Resource Person: Mr. Furqan Iftikhar and Dr. Sadaf Khan Session Slides Session Slides |
02.00pm to 03: 30 pm | Session No. 7: Use of digital library resources Resource Person: Dr. Midrar Ullah Chief Librarian NUST, Islamabad. Session Slides Session Slides Session Slides Session Slides |
Guide to Establish an Online Thoughts for Faculty Teaching Program
- Professor Dr. Syed Asif Ali
Dean IT - Mr. Shah Muhammad Butt
Director IT - Dr. Sadaf Khan
Director AQEC - Ms. Uzma Batool
Director Students Affairs