SMIU Publications
SMIU has established embryonic SMI University Press with the prime objective of publishing scholarly works in order to promote scholarship across a wide range of disciplines. The emphasis is on publication of scholarly works relating to Pakistan. So far two books of international standard have been published by SMI University Press, while several others are in the pipeline. A full-fledged Press would be established at the new campus of SMIU in the Education City. It is hoped that the works published by SMI University Press will make huge contributions to scholars in a very wide variety of disciplines and subjects.
Books published by SMI University Press
Sindh Madressah’s Roll of Honour
Lives of 25 Luminaries
Written by Professor Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh
1st Edition, Published under title
Luminaries of the Land in November 1999
Present expanded edition, Published in March 2020
By Sindh Madressatul Islam University
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Sindh Madressah: A Journey Through Times
By Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book covers history of Sindh Madressatul Islam from 1885 to 1995.
Sindh Madressah’s Roll of Honour: Luminaries of the Land
By Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book contains profiles of illustrious alumni of Sindh Madressatul Islam.
Role of Sindh in Creation of Pakistan
By Muhammad Ali Shaikh
It contains proceedings of National Conference organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam on “Role of Sindh in Creation of Pakistan,” in 1997 as a part of Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah: Education, Struggle & Achievements
By Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book is a biographical account of SMI’s illustrious alumnus and Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The uniqueness of the book is that it covers academic life of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in detail, which was missing from his other biographies.
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Hassanally Effendi: The Founder of Sindh Madressatul Islam
By Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book is a biographical account of the Founder of Sindh Madressatul Islam, Khan Bahadur Hassanally Effendi.
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A Monograph on Sindh through the Centuries
By Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book contains history of Sindh from its ancient days to the present era. It was published on the occasion of 3- Day; Second International Seminar on Sindh Through the Centuries, organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam University in 2014.
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Sindh through the Centuries II
Compiled by Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh
The book contains proceedings of 3- Day; Second International Seminar on Sindh through the Centuries, organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam University in 2014.
Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo: The Voice of the Century
By Syed Mazhar Jamil
Translated by Dr Amjad Siraj Memon
The book is an English translation of Syed Mazhar Jamil’s book written in Urdu. It is a biography of SMI’s illustrious alumnus, its former teacher and Sindh’s distinguished academician, scholar and author of many books Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo.

This book is a Sindhi translation of Syed Mazhar Jameel’s book written in Urdu. It was translated by noted academician Professor Saleem Memon.
Blazing Poetry of the Real
By Ifrah Iman
Edited by Ms. Samreen Riaz Ahmed
The book “Blazing Poetry of the Real” is a collection of photographs captured by the students of Media and Communication Studies, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi, during their Photography course, MDC 403 in Spring Semester 2019 under the supervision of Ms. Ifrah Imam. The book is edited by Ms. Samreen Riaz Ahmed, faculty member from Department of English.
E-Book: Click Here