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HEC approves SMIU to start PhD program in Media Studies & Communication

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has approved the Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU) to start the PhD program in the Media Studies and Communication.

After the approval, the SMIU could start the PhD program in the media studies from the current month [October] as the university fulfils all the required criteria set by the HEC.

The SMIU Vice Chancellor Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh has said that it was great achievement for the university because it has kept its quality high in accordance with the HEC standards.

“It’s another achievement and is a matter of great honour for me, my team and all those who respect this historical institution of the region,” Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh said.

He said that the required faculty for the PhD program in the media studies was already available with the university, adding the admission process for the PhD in the media studies will soon be started.

SMIU is already offering PhD in computer science.

It is pertinent to mention here that Dr Shaikh is already HEC approved PhD supervisor for media and communications studies.